Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back Home and Highlighted

So after three trips to the hospital within a week, it's been determined that the man I've been caring for is really better off in a nursing home where they can give him the care he needs most.  I've been back home with my family since Thursday afternoon.  We're all so happy that I'm home.  I'm just glad I was able to help take care of the man for as long as I could.  A month and a half; it was just long enough to realize that he's better off in a nursing home.  He's at the point now where there isn't much left we can do for him anyway.

I came home to find that both of my brothers had gotten blond highlights.  Having heard about it on Facebook, I was still surprised to see just what had been done.  One of them suggested that I should get mine done too.  Well, I had been blonde once, so I didn't really see that harm in it. :-D  It might even be fun.

lake, mary hair and melons 021 

Here’s the results!  Pretty cool!

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