Saturday, January 16, 2010

What IS All This Anyway?

“Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;”
Doctrine & Covenants 109:88

This morning I was searching for a knitting magazine in the backpack where I keep most of my pattern books and magazines and I realized that there were several missing books and magazines.  This led to a thorough search through all four of my storage bins plus a bookshelf in my room.  Before the search I had to remove everything on top of the bins onto my bed - the closest thing to them, since they were in between my bed and the wall - in order for me to even look inside the crates.

As I'm searching - and finding the soon to be thick stack of missing books and magazines - I see everything spread out all over my bed while I'm standing/sitting on the floor in the space between the bed and the wall.  I look at it all and wonder... what is all this stuff, anyway?

Once I found all the magazines and books I was looking for, I started organizing.  There was still room in two of the bins for more things to go in.  In went some books that wouldn't fit on either bookshelf.  My trash can had to be emptied three times for how much paper and garbage I was throwing out.  (How did I have that much anyway?  Oh yeah... I printed it out and don't need it anymore because a copy is saved on my flash drive. )

I could've sworn I'd put all the yarn I wasn't using in a WIP (work-in-progress) back in their bins in the shed, but I found several more balls and skeins and two socks from incomplete pairs that had to get put away.  Knitting needles I wasn't using went back into their holder.  More trash got tossed.  Clean clothes were put away.  A couple of books I haven't read and will probably never read are about to go up on eBay.

Phew!  Everything's back in place in that space between the bed and wall and it looks... well, if not entirely organized, then at least a little more presentable.

What to tackle next? ... ...


  1. Sounds like a productive day! Wanna come help me? :)

  2. haha! I can't promise I'd be as efficient as you in organizing. But I can certainly try. LOL


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